The past few months life has taken over my time. I have been trying not to take any moment for granted and it's been working pretty well. I've noticed that I am much less stressed than I was before. But as time goes on things change. They certainly have. Ryan's been home about 8 months at this point. Since he's been back, we got our first pets together. We acquired one little kitten we named Oliver, but he passed away at the foot of our bed. We found him one morning when we got up. We ended up getting Mama and OJ about 2 days after that. They were both from the same litter (not as Oliver though). They're my little babies they're so smart! We finally got married - unplanned at the courthouse - very much like us! Then we acquired a puppy somehow after a hard searching for the perfect one. Bear, the German Shepherd that I've always wanted is SO smart. But we got caught with him in our apartment which really sucked because we had to have Ryan's buddy babysit until finally - we moved into the house we bought. We moved in about a month ago. Crazy how we've already been here this long! In the mean time, we've added a new member (temporarily) to the family, our foster dog, Sampson. He's such a smart pup and is so sweet. Dalmation/Pit mix. Wish we didn't have to get rid of him but Ryan doesn't want to keep him because I know he wants another puppy. We're talking about getting another shepherd and breeding eventually, but since Bear's mom wasn't registered with AKC, we can't get him registered. Really sucks but whatever. So I was on FB earlier and it showed me what I posted a year ago today. I was working my ass off, about to get started working even harder working 4 jobs and attending school full time. I have to get back into the swing of things. I'm thinking about applying to the Dollar Tree here again. I'm going tomorrow. There's a few changes I need to make in my life and this is one of them. Don't get me wrong, I love my Saturday desk job at Prudential, but it's not bringing in enough money. I gotta get my grind on now lol. And I babysit, but that's only $40 a week too. I want a new car before I graduate, which is only 3 months and a few weeks away! Can't believe it. It's finally almost here. I've been working my ass off with school and it will finally pay off. I have 5 classes that I'm taking right now. In the Spring I plan on taking more to get my certificate in Computer Forensics. Just something to make me more marketable. We'll see where that takes me though. I am planning on going back to school the Fall after wards (taking the summer off!!!! because I need some time to rejuvenate myself and spend with Ryan before he deploys again. I'll probably travel a little and network too. Other than that though, the rest of my life will be all set. I'd like to own a semi-new car and pay it off before Ryan leaves so when he gets back we can build our house and start the settling down process. Can't wait to be stationary! I strive to have my footing on a place that I feel comfortable enough to call home. Tennessee has a lot to offer, it really does. But I'm not happy being this far away from home. I guess I gotta embrace the suck and carry on. Try to make the best of it I guess. I honestly haven't done much around here but when the weather starts to cool down a little I have a lot I want to try and places to see. I have to visit home to get my spunk back. I miss my niece and my sisters, along with the rest of my family like crazy. I know when I go back I won't want to be there but I just need a little taste of it to feel better. It's been 6 months almost since I've been back home. I miss the people and the food. It's so different out here. I'd love this place if I had family around. It has the opportunity to be so great. It's just tough to trust people here when everyone seems so fake. I don't really feel like I fit in. Everyone has kids or are pregnant. I'm going to school and attempting to work. I feel left out in a sense, but I see how much they complain and it makes me not want that for a little while. Mature for my age, yes. I could handle it, but just not completely ready. If it happens, it happens and we're going to roll with it. But that's in the future. We'll see.
Anyway, along with the life changes I want to do a few things. I want to start working out and eating healthy. I had a friend tell me about the 17 day diet. Ryan and I have decided to do it, I just have to get the book. I have gained about 10 lbs since Rys been back. Doesn't make me feel any better about anything, especially since all day I am sitting at home doing nothing besides homework and cleaning. My grades haven't suffered from that, but I need more than that. I need a change. So from tonight on, I am going to take the dogs for a walk before bed. After the fire I want to have first! Tootles. :)